Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Larry the Cable Guy Movie Review

I went to see this movie with my Dad and I found it alot better then I thought I would. It is basically one long fart joke with Larry acting like a big slob throught the movie. The humor was my kind of thing with lots of sight gags and Larry acting like the same Redneck character from his comedy act. If you like his act (which I do) then you will probably like this movie.

The plot is basically some stuff about someone is poisoning the contestants at some kind of Food Festival, Iron Chefs type of thing. You think it might be the Mayor played by Joe Pantoliano with wierd-assed eyebrows. Larry is matched up with an uptight partner that looks like of like a man and who Larry thinks is one throught the movie. You get introduced to various goofy characters but Larry is pretty funny throughout. There is an extremely funny blooper reel at the end similar to There's Something About Mary . All and all the movie is funny if you like Larry the Cable guys comedy act. If you don't then it will probably suck ass.

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