Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Harry Potter update

I am really getting into this book. So far there are whole swaths of the book that are different than the movie. The part where Ron and Harry have a disagreement went on for weeks in the book but seemed to be only a few days in the movie.

The whole Yule ball scene was different in the book as well. It wasn't as creepy as in the movie. And it had a real the kids are growing up, but not too fast, quality to it. It was a whimsical coming of age thing and not a every man for him self makeout session. They didn't explain why that one girl was crying though which was a letdown.

The Moaning Myrtle scene was similar to the one in the movie though. With her peeping at him under the water and all. She also covered her eyes when Harry put his pajamas back on after the bath. Whatever the case it would have been good to have the movie follow the book closely because the book is very good. More when I get closer to finishing it.

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